Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blogs and Organizations

Normally you wouldn't think blogs could have that much effect on organizations, but they can actually bring both advantages and disadvantages to organizations. Its like a modern day version of word of mouth, if someone likes your organization and blogs positively about it this will be better than any type of advertising you could have done. This can also have the same negative effect on your organization of someone doesn't like it.

Blogs also keep everyone well informed, which is always a good thing for a society as a whole, and for organizations they also let people feel more brand loyalty, and pride in a brand when either writing or reading about it in a blog. They can also be a good way for organizations to see feedback about what they have been doing. 

Some negatives about blogs are the fact that they are very easy to start, but often not maintained. This can give an organization a negative look if it starts consumer blogs but does not maintain them. They are also time consuming to upkeep, so it would be expensive for an organization to have their blogs maintained. 

Work cited

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