Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blogs and Organizations

Normally you wouldn't think blogs could have that much effect on organizations, but they can actually bring both advantages and disadvantages to organizations. Its like a modern day version of word of mouth, if someone likes your organization and blogs positively about it this will be better than any type of advertising you could have done. This can also have the same negative effect on your organization of someone doesn't like it.

Blogs also keep everyone well informed, which is always a good thing for a society as a whole, and for organizations they also let people feel more brand loyalty, and pride in a brand when either writing or reading about it in a blog. They can also be a good way for organizations to see feedback about what they have been doing. 

Some negatives about blogs are the fact that they are very easy to start, but often not maintained. This can give an organization a negative look if it starts consumer blogs but does not maintain them. They are also time consuming to upkeep, so it would be expensive for an organization to have their blogs maintained. 

Work cited

Potential Disadvantages of NanoRadios

When Nano Radios are used simply as a tiny versions of a radio you can immediately identify the difference in sound quality, this is not exactly a disadvantage because it is not what they were developed to be used for. If this poor sound quality was to continue when trying to miniaturize the communication industry this would prove as a great disadvantage though. One of the most common ideas in the future for nanoradios would be for them to control tiny robots, which could do things like clean plaque inside humans bloodstream's, or breaking down pollutants in a demolished factory. To some this is seen as something which gives too much power to technology, and people worry about how we would be able to control these tiny devices, to read more of these concerns click HERE for a physicists blog about nanotechnology.

Some more realistic concerns for organizations using Nano Radios as an information technology would be the ability for these devices to actually transmit and store data. Researchers believe that these devices will be able to accomplish this, but the risk and expense would be extremely great when implementing, and not actually feasible for a few years to come.

Works Cited

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Advantages of NanoRadios

As I have mentioned, the communication industry is one that can easily be changed by nanoradios, but there are many other industries too. Inluding health care, environmental, defense, computer and robotic industries as well. Nanotechnology in general is an emerging technology that is having effects on all scientific development. 
Organizations like hospitals would benefit from these devices in many ways. Because they can be used both as a receiver and a transmitter they could be used as tiny devices for doctors and nurses to communicate with eachother at all times, or even as a way to better monitor patients. As i mentioned below they are also small enough to exist in the humans bloodstream, so with development nanoradios could work as an entire health monitoring system. 

Environmental organizations could also use nanoradios as environmental sensors. Whether they would be used to track weather paterns, or calculate CO2 levels they would be of great use to these organizations and governments alike. 

Of course these radios could be used in the miniaturization of almost any technology you can think of, but from an information technology standpoint another industry these devices can help is that of robotics. Any robotic device that gathers information for researchers through radio-waves can now be extremely enhanced due to the sound and ability of nanoradios to transmit and store in places that could never be done before!
For a list of advantages of nanotechnology click HERE


Nano Radios Continued

One thing that makes nanoradios such a new and exciting information technology is the vast area in which they can change things we currently use today. 

One of the first areas they could change is the communication industry. With these tiny radios having the ability to send and receive wireless radio waves the miniaturization of the industry can become a reality. Who wouldn't want to be able to have a watch that doubles as a cell phone ? But these devices can go so much further than just being able to provide smaller, cheaper, and more efficent cell phones.

 Potentially these radios could control devices small enough to exist in the human bloodstream. Sending diagnostic reports back to a device that could calibrate the information, all wirelessly. For a video link of one of these devices tuning into a song on the radio click HERE.

These devices could also replace many weather tracking systems that are currently available, as well as change how environmental organizations gather information.

Work Cited

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What are NanoRadios ?

Well physically they are tiny radios that are built out of a single carbon nano-tube. This may sound complicated, and the science behind it is. What makes these devices special is that the key circuitry behind it is a single carbon nano-tube, so basically it is tiny.  

Nano Radios were also named as one of the top 10 emerging technologies by an MIT magazine "Technology Review" (Click HERE for entire article) this past year. 
This is because the effects they can have on our society are huge. Anywhere from improving our cellphones to medical diagnostic systems. They can also be used in computer's, with these radios, about the size of bacteria, attached to microchips, it would allow them communicate wirelessly. Below is an image of how these nanoradio's function. 

Works Cited:

1. MIT Technology review,

2. Nano Radios for microchips,

3. Berkley Physics,